Generative AI Simulacra Talk in the Books

Generative AI Simulacra of Human Behavior Talk

Thanks to everyone that came out for the Generative AI Simulacra of Human Behavior talk by Rich Everts, our last of 2023!

Rich covered an overview of the topic and answered questions for about 45 minutes, took a break, and then did a deep dive into the codebase for an hour.

Lots of great questions, pizza, conversation, and an overall awesome time.

Unfortunately, our recording failed. However, here are the materials discussed and experienced:

Generative AI Fork with Logging Added (CAUTION: THIS LOGS EVERYTHING. 200MB+ PER GAME DAY!)
Breakdown Notes of Entire Pipeline
Generative AI Simulacra Agents Live Demo
Blade Runner Ambient Music Video

Special thanks to everyone participated, and we look forward to seeing you all in 2024!


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